EasyBee Software - Customized Business Software Solutions

Customized Business Software Solutions

We specialize in development and deployment of customized business software solutions, desktop applications and website designs for a wide range of industries. We have many years of experience in the wholesale picture frame and wood moulding supply industry and the pest control service management industry. Our Wholesale Picture Frame and Moulding Supply software product is the choice of many wholesalers. Our Pest Control Service Management Software product solutions are used by hundreds of pest control and air deodorizing companies across the United States. That includes our Structural Pest Control Report Solutions product. Our software products are easy-to-use desktop applications, and you may find the software solution below that will fit your needs. Software designed by a small business owner for small business.

Pest Control Software

This product is designed for the pest control industry. It fits most any recurring service type industry.

ProServe 2012 - Pest Control Management Software

This is our Structural Pest Control Report Solutions product designed for the pest control industry.

ProWDO - Structural Pest Control Report Solutions

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Picture Frame Software

This product is designed for the wholesale picture frame and moulding supply industry. Suppliers of mats, glass, foam board and custom frames.

ProServe 2015 - Wholesale Frame and Moulding Software Solutions

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Document Management Software Solutions, manage all your client documents with this easy-to-use desktop software application. Designed for lawyers, real estate, service contract companies or anyone needing document sharing and management solutions.

ProDocBoss - Document Management Filing System

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This product is designed to help manage and track all of your Usernames and Passwords with an easy to use standalone desktop database application for anyone.

ProUserNames - Username and Password Management Software

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This product is designed to help manage and track the time spent on Projects like software development, IT service and Phone Support services with an easy to use standalone desktop database application.

ProTimer - Project and Support Time Management Software

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For eMail Servers – IP Activity Tracking Tools designed for VPS running MailEnable. Features Automated IP Blocking of invalid login attempts.

ProEmailTools - Mail Server IP Activity Tracking Tools

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